Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Trying something new...

Well believe it or not I spend a tremendous amount of time in front of the computer for work and for staying in touch with friends.  I know you all might find that hard to believe since I have been so slack with my blogging these days.

Today I decided to dedicate 10 minutes or so a day to the computer for my kids.  I know you are probably thinking what in the world is she talking about for her kids?!?!?  Everyday or as close as I can to it, I am going to write MC an email to tell her how great she is and tell her some funny things she did that day.  When Baby #2 gets here I plan to do the same for her.  That way one day they can read hundreds of emails I have written to them.

I know emails are not as cool as hand written letters, but emails are easy to do no matter where I am and I have setup a special email address for just these to go to so they are organized and together for the kids.  I look forward to the day I share this email address with them and pray to God that there are thousands of these for them to read.  I hope that one day a long time from now that when I am looking down from heaven these little love messages to them will offer them comfort in the lonley times.

So here is to dedicating yourself to the little things in life that keep you laughing, loving and living!

Monday, June 13, 2011


There are milestones everyday that we reach, it can be with our friends, our spouse, our family or our children.  This weekend our major milestone was with MC.  She is officially sleeping in a big girl bed. 

I had been dreading this move to the big girl bed for a while, I have heard more often than not that it is a nightmare!  So I took the approach well she sleeps really well in her crib, I am not going to rock the boat.  That was my way of avoiding what I was afraid of was going to be more sleepless nights and mulitple trips upstairs to get her back in the bed.  

With my belly growing and the development of two hernias which has limited the amount I can lift, I bit the bullet.  My mom had my grand-father's antique toddler bed which is the same bed I slept in when I was MC's age in her attic so this weekend B braved my mom's attic and brought it home.  MC was so excited about it, she helped me get the dust off it and polish it with furniture polish.  She asked B to take her new bed to her room so she could sleep in it!  The rest is history!  

Hopefully potty training will go this well, but I can promise you one thing, that is months away!  I am not ready for that!

Here is MC in her Big Girl Bed!  The side folds up to make a bed rail, she told me today at nap time to buckle her big girl bed's seat belt!

Here's to the little moments in life that keep us laughing, loving and living!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Google Doodle

I love the home page for Google today.  It is so much fun!  If you have not seen it check it out.  Would list the website, but I am pretty sure everyone in the world know how to find the Google home page!

I know my post is super short today, but something is better than nothing! 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Hubby....

Hey there, I know it has been ten days or so and that is not good for my 7 wonderful followers! 

Today I have to post about my hubby.  Sorry if I get a little sappy, I think my hormones are causing me to get all sentimental. 

B and I have been together for almost ten years, our 5 year wedding anniversary is coming up in October.  At the beginning of our relationship we had the odds stacked against us. I had just graduated from high school and was headed of to Winthrop and he was settled in Mount Pleasant working for his dad's company.  

For 4 long years we stuck it our for the tearful good-byes knowing that the every other weekend thing would come to an end one day.  The long distance SUCKED to say the least, but we made it through and it made us super strong.  We had to learn to communicate and trust each other, we had no choice it was talk and trust each other or watch our relationship go down in flames.

Life with B is never dull, my husband never stops.  He is like the energizer bunny.  If I could bottle his energy I would give 5 hour energy and Red Bull a run for their money.  Most days I love it, he is vivacious and full of life, I will admit there are those days that his energy is exhausting especially being prego.  

B is not just a loyal partner in life, but an amazing dad.  It is a really cool transformation to watch when I man becomes a dad.  It is something that is so special to watch and I fall in love with him all over again everytime I watch him with MC.  It really does not matter if he is teaching her to through a ball, planting the garden with her, giving her a bath, reading her a book or simply laying on the floor watching TV together he melts my heart.  

As my husband B is tough and tender, let me explain.  He does not treat me like a weak little women, he respects my ability to fend for myself and allows me to be me.  I think this is important in a man.  He knows his place in our family and he knows mine and respects mine.  He makes no bones about things that I do around the house even if they are things that most of the time a man takes care of.  One of my favorite quotes of B "I have no clue ask my wife she does that stuff" it makes me laugh every time he says it!  This is the tougher side of B, but the tender side of B is the man that holds me close when I cry, calls just to say "I love you"and kisses me on the head every morning when he wakes up before me.  B is my calm harbour in a rough storm, he was and is my missing puzzle piece!  

Okay enough with the sentimental stuff for the day!  He is man, in his element the duck pond.  I love this picture, I also really like the fact that the beard went away when duck season ended!!!
Here's to the people in life that keep us laughing, loving and living!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Giddy Up...

This weekend we headed to Georgetown for the Harborwalk Festival.  All of Front Street was blocked off and there were street vendor and activities for all ages.  B enjoyed the cold Budweiser, I loved the funnel cake and MC was all about the pony ride.  

She loves horses!  Our neighbor has 12 of them, so we see horses everyday.  Her Uncle Pate (one of the boys) gave her a stuffed animal pony which sleeps with her every night, she even has a little blanket she tucks it in with.  Basically the point I am getting to is that she is border lined obsessed with horses/ponies.

B walked beside her while she held on the saddle with 4 fingers, please look at that grip.  I don't see barrel racing in her future until she holds on a little tighter!  The whole time she was on the pony she was saying "giddy up"!  

Here are the little moments and special people in our live that keep us laughing, loving and living!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

AMP vs. Sooty Mold

Today I started a battle against the sooty mold on my Myer Lemon Tree.  Last year B and I bought a small Myer Lemon Tree and a lime tree.  They were about 10" tall when we bought them.  Now I kid you not they are at least 3.5 feet tall.  The lime tree is so full I can't get my arms around it.  I love these two plants, they spent the whole winter in my bathtub so the cold would not kill them!

I noticed about a month ago that the lemon tree's grow has slowed and then I spotted the sooty mold for the first time.  At that point in time I thought it was mud that a heavy rain had splattered on it (I think I was in denial).  Finally last night I decided to Google this black stuff, that I was starting to think was going to me the death of my lemon tree.  Much to my surprise it a pretty common issue, it is sooty mold.  The mold supposedly does not kill the tree however if it is not removed it causes the plant to not be able to absorb the sun which then causes the plant to die (so pretty much if you ignore it, it will kill your plant).  

So this morning after super hot workout with Palmetto Fit Club, I went to Possum's (the local plant chemical store) and found out what I needed to go to war against the Sooty mold.  $25 later I was armed with an organic mold and mildew remover and a spray bottle.  So when I got home I started round one of AMP vs. Sooty Mold.  I have full intentions of kicking this mold's butt, I will keep you updated as the battle continues on!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Hunt is OVER!!!!!

Ever since I found out I was prego with Baby #2 (she does have a name and great one at that, but we are keeping it a secret!) I have been on the hunt for a double Bob Revolution Stroller.  I have a single for MC right now and it is the best jogger ever, I use it for running but also for everyday.  They are expensive but worth every penny,  still I was having a hard time paying close to $700 dollars for it.  This resistance to spend $700 and frankly the lack off that amount of extra cash just laying around with out a use is where my quest for a good used one for less than $375 started.  

I kid you not that I was on Craigslist and eBay almost everyday for 4 months.  I was so obsessed with finding a good deal I started looking in cities where we had a friend so if it came down to it I could beg and plead with them to do me a huge favor of messing with the Craigslist posting.  Our friend Steven even was on the hunt with me.  He was willing to drive where ever he needed to as long as I paid his gas.  

Well it was last Friday when I located "IT", the navy blue clean double Bob for $350 only catch it was in Albuquerque, NM.  Thanks so our good friends Erin and Joey who live there, it is now MINE!!!!!  Now I know you are thinking well that is great, but how in the hell are you getting back to you in South Carolina.  Well let me tell you....Erin and Joey are both from the Carolinas and are coming in July with their 2.5 year old.  They are going to use it as their stroller when they fly and gate side checking it so there is no shipping!  

Oh I love it when I plan comes together and when persistance pays off!!  Here's to saving some cash and to the little moments in life that keep you laughing, loving and living!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Great List

I was in the Doctor's office yesterday waiting to be seen.  The magazine selection was not the greatest, I love to catch up on my pop culture normally, but the March issue of Parenting was all I could find.  While flipping through I came across this list "4 Ways Kids are Like Pizza".  

I don't have a fancy SmartPhone so in case the picture is too small to read, here is the list:

4 Ways Kids are Like Pizza
  1. Delivery takes much longer than 30 minutes.
  2. They're often quite saucy.
  3. They're frequently crusty.
  4. Even when they aren't their best, they're still pretty darn good.
This tickled me so much I laughed out loud in the Doctor's office, good thing I was the only one in the room waiting! 

Here's to the little moments in life that keep you laughing, loving and living!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


It is hard to believe that I am already 6 months into my pregnancy.  Only 3 long hot summer months to go!  My nesting is starting to kick in.  After MC's birthday we are going to start moving furniture around from room to room.  I have picked the nursery theme/pattern and I love it!  I am so excited to get started. 
We are using MC's dark wood crib, changing table and green glider.  I am not doing the little chandelier with the owl, but I am doing the light green walls.  I think B was relieved that there were not going to be two pink rooms upstairs.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Skeptic I am no longer...

There are a few in things in life that I am a little skeptical of, not much just a few.  One of them I finall out of desperation tried and I am not longer a skeptic.  With Baby #2, I have been having major right issues, when I say major my Dr has me on Lortabs to try to ease the pain.  The Lortabs make the pain ease off, but then I am out for the count like a 4 to 5 hour nap which does not really work with MC at home.  

B, Colleen and Clark have been seeing a local chiropractor and love him.  He has really helped all of them tremendously.  So I decided to get an appointment and see what I thought.  

Well the pain in my right hip that felt like a butcher knife rotating around in my hip joint is now gone.  I mean gone.  Let me tell you again GONE!!!!  For the last eight weeks I have been in so much pain and after one adjustment it is no longer there.  If you have never been to one, I know you still might be a little hesitant, but it has made a huge difference in my pain and would recommend Long Point Chiropractic to anyone out there! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Summer Tomato Pie

I just took a work break and took my little counter top compost bin out to dump it in pile.  While I was out I walked through the garden to see what needs to be weeding (that is B and Clark's job not mine, just to make sure we are all on the same page).  Walking in the garden I can see small green tomatoes on the vines.  My mouth starts to water at the thought of our first summer tomato pie with fresh tomatoes, onions and basil all out of our garden.

If you are reading this and have no clue what a tomato pie is, I am so sorry that you have never experienced this wonderfully amazing piece of heaven on a plate.  It is a good old pie crust filled with layers of fresh tomatoes, onions and basil.  Then on the top you make a cheddar cheese and mayo topping that cooks and oozes all into the pie.  If you think it sounds nasty, you are wrong!  If you have ever had one you will have to comment and back me up on this amazing little wonder!

When I make it in the next couple of weeks, I will post the pictures and the steps.  It will make your mouth water!

Here's to summer veggies and to the little things in life that keep us laughing, loving and living! 

Monday, May 9, 2011

So Thankful

I have told many people before, B and I are truly blessed with great friends.  We have the best friends in the world, there is not another group of people in world better than our friends.  Our friends span from many stages of our lives, childhood, high school, college and life with kids!

This weekend was full of the "boys" as I call them.  This is the group of guys that B has grown up with over the years hunting together, as the original boys have gotten older the group has expanded.  I love these guys, there is never a dull moment. 

The weekend with the boys really started with Jeep on Thursday spending the whole day at the house with MC and myself (when I say all day I mean from about 11:30 in the morning until 9 that night)!  

Then on Friday B and Clark fried up some flounder, shrimp and wahoo and Joel, Sam, Shawn, Biz, Colleen and MT joined us for a great meal and lots of adult beverages.  It is very funny to be the sober one around this group.  There were several times, I was laughing so hard, I could not talk.  

Saturday during the day was a family day with B and MC.  Then Saturday night we got all gussied up, the in-laws watching MC and we headed down to Bunny's wedding.  Bunny is one of the boys, he lived with Chris (an original boy) at Clemson for years.  He joined the few of us in the group that have decided that marriage is not a four letter word!  It was so much fun, I love seeing B all dressed up, he looks so damn cute in a tux!  Here are a few pics one of my wonderful little growing family and then one of me with B and Jeep.

Sunday was the perfect ending to a great weekend.  A wonderful mother's day with my family, playing in the backyard in the sun and then hamburgers outside on the picnic table with my mom and B's parents.  Also I was in bed before it was dark outside! 

Friday, May 6, 2011

People (I am on a soap box just to warn you)

There are many people in the world I love and adore, however there are some people that make me want to scream at the top of my lungs.  I can't stand when people act bothered or busy when you ask them to do their job.  In my professional life I do what I am paid to as well as other things.  Plain and simple if it is my job, duty or task I do it.  I do it because it is my responsibility.  I don't care if you are the CEO of a billion dollar company or the drive thru lady at McDonalds, do what you are paid to do and be a good co-worker.  When these two simple things don't happen it just SUCKS for everyone else involved.  When you tell a co-worker you are going to have to call them right back, don't make it two damn days and then still not take my phone calls two days later.  There is a bigger picture than just you!

...thanks for reading I feel much better!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A TImeless Classic

There are something in life that are timeless classics.  You know those things in life that are cool/great all no matter what year it is.  My grandmother always commits on things and says they are timeless or just a classic.  She is normally referring to things like a piece of jewelry, a formal dress or a piece of furniture.  Some however feel that an antique car is a timeless classic.  I would have to say there are many things I feel are timeless classics.    

This morning MC and I went to partake in one of these classics, a silhouette.  This art form is truly amazing, how in world a person can fold a piece a paper and use a little pair of scissors and make something that looks like this...

I could not do this if my life depended on it.  In only 15 minutes she whipped out three of these little beauties.  My mom and mother-in-law are going to be so surprised for mother's day to get MC's little silhouette in a beautiful black with gold accent frame!

This makes MC look so big, which she is!  However it is hard for me to still believe she will be 2 in only one month!   I can't wait to have Baby #2's done when she is 2 also! 

Here's to the timeless classics in life that keep us laughing, loving and living!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


When B and I started designing our home in the Summer of 2009.  I knew a large back porch over looking our pond was something that I was not willing to sacrifice on, B further sweetened the deal by adding an outside fireplace to the non-negotiable list with the back porch.

I guess it is something to do with growing up in the South, but a porch is not just a part of your house plan but I believe part of your lifestyle.  This might seem a little weird to some, but truly I believe it.  There is just something about a porch, it seems to be where my world stops and I can sit back and watch the rest of the world around me continue.  Whether I am watching MC play, talking to B while he cooks a steak, enjoying a good book when my house is quite or laughing with friends around a warm winter fire, our porch is my Terabithia.

There are several things that no matter time of the year it is you will find on my back porch:
  • At least 6 different toys for MC to play with 
  • 4 rocking chairs around the fireplace
  • A picnic table
  • Our Weber grill (charcoal that is, no gas grill for my husband!)
  • Last on the list, but the not the least is our OCBS, the best thing in the world.  The Original Charleston Bed Swing.  It is heaven on 4 chains.  Also the people who make them are amazing as well!  I grew up swimming in Preston and Barbara's pool during the summers with their kids. 
Here is the little places in life that keep us laughing, loving and living!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Baby # 2 is.....

It's a GIRL!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Must Read for All

Well as you all know I have joined a little book club adventure.  The Help is the book we are reading for this month.  I got the book and Saturday and can hardly put it down.  I think it is a must read.  As most good books these days, it is now going to be a movie.  Not too bad of a fate for Kathryn Stockett's first novel!  Grab a copy of the book and dive in so when it comes out on the big screen you can see if the movie truly measures up to this wonderful book.

Here's to the books and life's  little moments in life that keep us all laughing, loving and living!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Anticipation is not my friend, I really don't like waiting to find something out.  I am not a huge surprise fan, I was that child that tried to find all my Christmas presents and still to this day the boxes under the tree that are for me drive me crazy!

Well this week is my week of anticipation, on Thursday we have our big 20 week ultrasound where we find out first and most importantly that Baby #2 is healthy and if "it" cooperates we know if it is boy or a girl.  It is such a huge day and a big appointment and I am pretty sure I am not going to be able to sleep towards in the end of the week! 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

It's Garden Time!

Weather permitting this weekend is garden planting weekend!  We have all the seeds and are picking up the last of the pepper and tomato plants today.  This will be our third garden since we have lived in Huger, so I am hoping that third time will be the charm and we will have a super producing garden this year.  

So here is the line up for the garden:
  • Yellow Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Cucumbers
  • Green Beans
  • Heirloom Tomatoes
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Big Boy Tomatoes
  • Yellow Tomatoes (I love these, they add color to a dish are just a bit sweeter than a red tomato)
  • Yellow Bell Peppers
  • Green Bell Peppers
  • Jalapenos
  • Okra
In my herb garden I will have the usual suspects:
  • Rosemary (hoping to plant a bush and let it take off)
  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Parsley
  • Thyme (survived the frost and came back this year)
  • Oregano (survived the frost and came back this year)
So here's to fresh veggies and herbs and all the wonderful dishes that keep me laughing, loving and living!

Friday, April 15, 2011

LIttle Minds....

I know I have said this before but here it goes again, I love being a mom!  Maybe it is because I have the most amazing wonderful little girl (I am not partial or bias at all!)  It is hard to believe that our little MC is going to be 2 in June.  It seems like yesterday when she joined this wonderful world.  At every stage I think this is my favorite stage yet, but the bests keep on coming.

At 22 months it is how her little mind is developing that is so amazing and fun to watch.  It seems like she goes to sleep at night and her vocabulary doubles in her sleep and her cognitive development does as well.  She now speaks in sentences, can say the alphabet, count to ten and  even sometimes "listens to directions".  I have that is quotes because she is only 22 months so the listening is a loose term.

With her brain absorbing so much all the time and her ability to talk has been an interesting for Me & B as well.  We have really had to clean our language up.  I decided that when she does to pre-school at our church next year, I would like her not to have any 4 letters words to share!

Well that is all I have in me today!  Here's to the little moments in life that keep us laughing, loving and living.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Date with a Book

A couple of months ago some of the girls (really ladies, but that sounds too old)  I run with decided to form a book club.  I decided being in a book club would be lots of fun and we meet every other month which seemed to be realistic for me to read a book in two months.  I like to read however with out time deadlines (like in college) I tend to let a book collect a little dust on my bedside table in between chapters!  

What I think I am going to love about this book club the most is that everyone is super laid back, getting together to talk about the book is as much about the book  as it is getting together with everyone.  So if I don't finish the book I feel I still can go and not be banished to the corner for not completing the assignment!

Here is the list of what we are reading over the next months/year to come.  The pathetic part of this list is that I had 3 of these books in my secretary that I have not opened yet.  Apparently I was in dire need of a book club!  I challenge you to join me on this reading adventure and follow our schedule.  After each meeting I will re-cap the discussion on my blog.

May ~ The Help by Kathryn Stockett
July ~ The Red Tent by Anita Demant
September ~ The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls
November ~ The Island by Elin Hinderbrand
January ~ People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks
March ~ Hotel on Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
May ~ Plantation by Dorthea Frank 
So here is to my little reading adventure and the moments in life that keep us laughing, loving and living!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Veggies and Fruit

Well spring is here and that means all the great summer veggies and fruits are just around the corner.  MC could not be any happier about this news.  

At almost two if she has the choice between cookies or broccoli she will choose the broccoli any day of the week, really what child in America or adult for that matter would choose a veggie or a Girl Scout Cookie.  I tell you one thing she did not get it from me or her daddy! 

As I am typing this I kid you not she is eating steamed veggies that I am serving for supper.  No wonder we are in the 5% for weight there are not a whole lot of calories in veggies and fruit.  

Here is a list of some of her favorites to eat: 
  • cherry tomatoes, actually she does not matter the variety, cherries are just super easy to eat
  • carrots
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • corn
  • peas
  • green beans
  • cucumbers
  • spinach salad
  • brussell sprouts
  • bananas
  • apples
  • oranges
  • strawberries
  • grapes
  • peaches
  • kiwis
Okay, I think you get the point!  Here is to the little things in life that keep us laughing, loving and living!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Green Stuff...

When I was prego with MC and now with Baby #2, I am craving/loving Mexican.  With MC it was guacamole, this go around it is the green tomatillo salsa from Moe's.  I love the salsa bar at Moe's, but my addiction to this salsa is so bad that I get at least 4 plastic containers every time I eat there!  That is just a little on the crazy side, I know but I love it.  I have tried the Harris Tetter Brand and the Publix brand but they are just not the same.   I even know which Moe's has the best and it is the Houston Northcut one for sure.  Next time you walk through the doors and hear "Welcome to Moe's", go run to the back for the green stuff!

Here's to the little guilty pleasures in life that keep you laughing, loving and living!

Bottles N' Brushes

If you live in Mount Pleasant or in Summerville and want a fun night out with the girls or maybe the boys too (B would not be into this at all, but I know there are plenty of guys out there that would) you should book a painting reservation at Bottles N' Brushes.  You don't have to be the next Monet to do this, just an open mind!

So here is how it works.  You look at their calendar online and see which paintings are being done that month.  If you see one you like you click and sign up.  When you come you bring your own bottle of what ever you want to drink (wine, beer or for those of us that are prego water) and snacks. 

When you get there is a canvas and paints waiting for you to let your creative juices flow.  They have a local artist/instructor that walks you through each part of the painting.  It is so neat each person does the same painting but each of them turns out so differently. 

This past Saturday, MT and I went and did a great painting of the bridge with the sunset in the back ground.  Since I could not run the Bridge Run this year, this was my way of "getting over it". 

You should check the website out www.bottlesnbrushes.com.  They have open sessions which is what is on the calendar, but you can also do private sessions or if you have a little one at home they do birthday parties.  I can't wait for MC to be old enough to do a painting party.

So here is to a little painting to keep me laughing, loving and living!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Somthing is in season

Almost 9 months of the year there is something is season that my husband enjoys to hunt or fish which means there is something always dead in my fridge!  I know that might make some people's skin crawl, but I am numb to it now.  

April 1st means jokes and pranks to many households, but to mine it is the opening of turkey season.   Which really means for the next 4 weeks any spare afternoon or morning that my husband is not working will consist of Gilly Suites, T-mobile decoys, slate calls and box calls resulting in most likely a body bag or two in my fridge.   The good news is he only gets 4 turkey tags a season!

Here is what my fridge looks like after two turkeys in the bag this weekend!  Who does not have dead birds in front of the milk?!?!?!
 My husband and his passion for hunting keeps him laughing, loving and living!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hello Savings it it so nice to meet you!

I feel like such a nerd at the grocery store when I wait for the cashier to hit the total button to watch and see how much I saved.  Today was my best at the grocery store ever!  I shop 90% of the time at the local Harris Tetter, I have a VIC card which is linked with my email so I get special eVic specials.  I spent $60.15 and saved (drum roll please) $76.71!!!   I had the biggest grin on my face as the check out guy hit the total button, he double check to make sure it was right!  Almost everything was either BOGO (buy one get one) or  B1G2 (buy one get 2), this really adds up especially when you are talking meat!

Here is a sampling of what I got, really the big deals:
  • Pack of 3 chicken breasts (B1G2) - the limit was 6 packs so you better believe I bought 6
  • Smithfield Pork Tenderlions (B1G1)
  • Cantelopes (B1G1)
  • GoGurt (B1G1) - MC loves it!
  • 100% beef hotdogs (B1G1)
  • Kraft Cheese 8oz Bag (B1G1)
  • Harris Tetter 5 lbs bag of apples was only $2.49
Not only am I a freak about the grocery store savings, I love Ebay and Craigslist.  Below is my latest Craigslist buy, a huge Swingset for MC.  It easily would have been over $1700 with all the things it came with, but on Craigslist it was $450!  The man built it himself and they took great care of it.  A little pressure wash for the wood and some soap for the slides it looks brand new!

So here is to Laughing, Loving and Living and saving some cash!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Rainy Days

I have to admit there was a time in my life where I hated rainy days.  The rain ruined the whole day as far as I was concerned.  I remember like it was yesterday when I whole philosophy changed.  It was the summer in between my freshman and sophomore year on high school.  I spent a week at Camp Merry Times, a week camp in North Carolina for children with cancer and their families.  It was a rainly day in the NC mountains and we were all waiting for the dinning room to open for lunch when someone (not myself thank goodness) complained about the rain, a cancer survivor with a smile on his face simply  said "rain is liquid sunshine."

Man like a ton of bricks did that statement hit me.  I remember feeling as big as a little sugar ant, how stupid and self-centered had all of us who have been pleased with healthy rainy days been when we had complained when we could not ride our bike, go in the boat or even so much as to complain about a bad hair day!  There were thousands of children and adults fighting and praying for one more day, they did not care if it was sunny, raining, sleeting or snowing they just wanted one more day.

So everyday it rains I remember that moment where I realized that rain was liquid sunshine!  Also when else can you wear cool rain coats and fun rain boots?!?!?!

MC likes to wear hers when it rains and even when it does not!
Here's to the little moments in life that keep us laughing, loving and living!  Happy Monday!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Being a Mom

I never imagined before I had MC how much fun and rewarding being a mom could be.  Being a mom does not come with a big paycheck as a reward instead it come with kisses, hugs, I love yous and many more little moments that keep me laughing, loving and living! 

In college I always pictured Brad being a stay at home dad and me leaving early in the morning and coming home in time for supper and bath time.  OH how I was wrong, I am a part time working mom and I work 4 days a week from home!  I spent 6 days a week at home with my little princess and I have been around for all the first and only have spent one night away from her in almost two years.

It is simple days like yesterday and today that make me realize how truely blessed I am.  Being able to work and also interact with MC that is truly amazing.  Yesterday I sat at the island in our kitchen working when MC walked up with her crayons and a piece of paper said "Momma I am working".  I pulled up another chair and she sat beside me for almost an hour and "worked".  This morning I did some emailing drinking my coffee as MC ate her breakfast beside me and talked my ear off!

With BABY #2 on the way I am guess these little moments are more and more cherished as I watch my little baby girl transform into a little girl.  It seems like yesterday I held her for the first time!

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!


Monday, March 14, 2011

What a weekend!

Well Spring has sprung and I am in love with it!  We had such a great weekend with MC and our friends.  Here are some highlights:
  • Menchie's with MC on Friday afternoon
  • Wonderful shrimp pasta supper on Friday with Jeep
  • Funky Little Kitchen brunch with Jeep and MT
  • Soaked up some sunshine and shot some skeet Saturday during the day with friends
  • Stock the Bar Party for Kristina and Bunny
  • Bubbles and bathing suits in the yard
  • Pulled pork with slaw, brown rice, squash casserole and grilled zuchini for Sunday dinner outside at the picnic table with MC, B, Clark and MT!
It was truly an amazing weekend!  Looking forward to a week of great weather leading us into another super fun filled weekend!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wow...Almost at the 1 year mark!

Well it has been almost a year since I have blogged anything, that is so pathetic!  I am going to be much better and remember why I started this blog to share little stories that keep me laughing, loving and living!

2010 was a great year filled with a lot of fun and 2011 is going to be the same way.  We finished the house and moved in the last week of July!  It is so nice to have space 9 months of all three of us sharing a room made for many sleepless nights for me!  The house is great and our good friend is now renting the apartment from us.  C is the best neighbor in the world and he has a great girl friend MT. 

We found out as the year started that we are pregnant with Baby #2 so we will have many more reasons come the end of August/early September to keep laughing, loving and living!

I am super excited about being back among the bloggers and blog readers!